On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 07:45:20PM +0200, Balazs Javor wrote:
| Hi,
| I'm currently tracking testing with the /etc/apt/preferences set to:
| testing - 800
| unstable - 700
| stable - 600
| Recently after doing an update in dselect/apt-get it automatically
| selected GCC 3.1 and several related stuff.
| Unfortunatelly they seen to depend on some libs and the binutils in SID.

gcc 3.1 isn't in woody, only sid.

I think binutils is safe to upgrade.  I've been using it (currently
version for a while now and haven't had problems.  I'm
also using a custom-built kernel 2.4.18.

The potential problem is, as the binutils debconf stuff says,

Template: binutils/kernel_link_warning
Type: note
Description: Kernel link failure info
 You may experience problems linking older (and some newer) kernels with
 this version of binutils.  This is not because of a bug in the linker, but
 rather a bug in the kernel source.  This is being worked out and fixed by
 the upstream kernel group in newer kernels, but not all of the problems
 may have been fixed at this time.  Older kernel versions will almost
 always exhibit the problem, however, and no attempts are being made to fix
 those that we know of.
 There are a few work-arounds, but the most reliable is to edit the linker
 script for your architecture (e.g. arch/i386/vmlinux.lds) and remove the
 '*(.text.exit)' entry from the 'DISCARD' line.  It will bloat the kernel
 somewhat, but it should link properly.



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sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
        I John 1:9
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