You got to fix those linebreaks; they were so bad I *had* to reformat
things... And the odd uppercase letter wouldn't hurt either...

Disclaimer: I'm not familiar with ADSL; I'm on dialup.

On Tue, Jun 11, 2002 at 10:07:59PM +0200, Peter Lieven wrote:
> since friday my isp german telekom changed some configuration in their
> routers.
> everytime when i connect to remote host through my firewall who is
> masquerading internal connections the connection to the remote host
> freezes after a certain number of bytes has been transferred. 

I presume that "ping" works OK? (you probably checked, but it's not
clear from what you write)

> i changed nothing on my firewall config. i asked the isp to reset my
> dsl port and check their equipment. i also changed the masquerading
> port range in case they want to prevent their customers from
> masquerading (don't ask why). 
> when i ssh to my firewall and connect directly to the remote machine
> everything is working fine. at the moment i installed some port
> forwarders on my firewall to connect directly to a remote machine. if
> i use them or a some other local proxy it works fine. only masqueraded
> connections are stalling
> is there anyone out there who had the same experience or knows any
> workarounds or has any ideas how i can find out what exactly freezes
> the connection.

I've been suffering the same sort of problems. Symptoms were:
- Downloading of mail would work. Until a "big" email was being fetched,
  where it would appear as if the pop3 server just died (=timeout at my
- Web pages would download fine, but very large images would only ever
  partially download
- Setiathome would never manage to get a full work unit.

From the firewall itself, everything would work; but anything behind the
firewall would suffer the above symptoms. 

My workaround was to lower the MTU on my dialup interface - an mtu of
750 and using the --clamp-mss-to-pmtu (man iptables(8)) in the firewall
setup did the trick for me. I still doubt whether this is a *real*
solution; it feels more like a work-around. Also, it introduces a bit
more TCP/IP overhead (relatively speaking) and decreases the net
bandwidth available. But it works for me.


> one strange thing that came along with this that i'm not able to ping
> my p-t-p partner, but its pingable from outside.  i even used a
> windows machine to do the dialip connection and nat via ics.  same
> strange behaviour.

Sounds odd. But then I don't know ADSL, so I can't comment.


Karl E. Jørgensen
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