Hi .....
I hope i am sending this to the right list........ I am a linux newbie & my problem is that i cant get debian installed on my pc ..... i have installed other linux systems with no problems (redhat / mandrake / suse) ect, but thought i would give debian a try.. I have tried various debian cd's 2.2r4 + 2.2r5 & also debian woody beta, but i seem to only get upto the same part every time... with both the 2.2 debians i get a message saying my graphics card has not been identified maybe it is one that debian does not know about, so i cant get no further with this & with woody the install goes as far as installing any programs that i want, but then i get a error message saying that some of the packages wont install (trying again might solve this problem) but no ....... & if i do get past this stage i get to the screen that asks what graphics card do i have ..... when chosen (it is in the list) & i have finished with the setup & reboot my pc i get to the screen asking for my login & password ( i have selected the x windows system in the selection of packages + gnome or kde ) but after login i just get a # prompt, when i type start x i get a message saying no screens found.. so i cant continue using it, Could this be due to my AGP graphics card not being surported or maybe just bad cd images bugs ect that i have downloaded ?

I know this is not a lot to go on but any info you could give me would be of help as i am looking forward to trying this system out..

MY  PC  INFO_  _if this is of help_

MOTHERBOARD - MSI k7T pro2-A (ms-6330)
ATHLON (thunderbird)  800mhz

GRAPHIC  CARD  -  ATI  Radeon  700   AGP

                           OR  NVIDA  gforce 2 mx  AGP

PS:  Both of these cards have been tried both with the same message..

Thanks :   Steve

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