> I had tried to install them manually and had random troubles.  Then I
> found the easiest way to make those work is to add this line to your
> /etc/apt/sources.list file to get non-US and non-free.
>   deb http://misery.proulx.com:9999/non-US unstable/non-US non-free

Ack!  That is the machine behind my firewall on which I am running my
own apt-proxy on.  Don't use that one.  You can't get it to anyway.  I
had a brain freeze, sorry, and pasted the proxy line from my
sources.list instead of the real one.  But it does give you immediate
insight into how the proxy works.  :-) Hopefully you figured out that
I meant to say use the global non-US, non-free location.

  deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US unstable/non-US non-free

Then install 'msttcorefonts'.

  apt-get install msttcorefonts

And insert all of the discussion about using non-free and non-US
packages.  Generally non-free is a bad idea and disliked.  It is why
they are are painful to install.  If they were free then they could be
bundled with Debian.  Caveat Emptor.


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