<quote who="Shri Shrikumar">
> Hi All,
> Ive finally decided to venture and let people see my machine permanently
> connected to the net. This machine is of course running debian. It is
> running testing as of a couple of months or so. I plan to let it go into
> woody and stay there (upgraded to woody so many months ago primarily for
> iptables)
> The machine is 200Mhz with 96Mb RAM. It already takes care of my
> personal as well as some work mail(including this list) and apache for
> the webmail stuff and PHPgroupware, so its under a bit of

woaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. hold it.............

maybe its just me but it seems phpgroupware earns more rights to
have security advisories then the other apps ..at least from what
ive seen on vuln-dev and bugtraq.....phpgroupware seems to come up
a LOT. maybe just because its widely used, i don't know. but theres
been what seems to be a ton of security issues with it in the recent

my opinion is phpgroupware is probably your weakest link here.

maybe look into something like ezpub - http://developer.ez.no
but i dont know what your needs are. and i don't know if ezpub
is secure, i just don't remember seeing advisories on it yet.


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