
I am using the package smartsuite to monitor my server harddisks. Unfortunately, a Seagate Barracuda on /dev/hda keeps filling up my syslog with messages like the one attached below(1).

Attribute 1 and 195 keep changing by 1/-1 almost every time smartd runs the check. When I run smartctl -v /dev/hda, the results(2) do not really mean anything to me me as they were like this right from when I put the harddisk in.

Does anybody else experience similar log events and if so, is there anything you did to stop this from happening?

(1) Excerpt from syslog
Apr 2 10:45:02 ats01 smartd: Device: /dev/hda, S.M.A.R.T. Attribute: 1 Changed -1
Apr 2 10:45:02 ats01 smartd: Device: /dev/hda, S.M.A.R.T. Attribute: 195 Changed -1
Apr 2 11:15:02 ats01 smartd: Device: /dev/hda, S.M.A.R.T. Attribute: 1 Changed 1
Apr 2 11:15:02 ats01 smartd: Device: /dev/hda, S.M.A.R.T. Attribute: 195 Changed 1

(2) Excerpt from smartctl -v
Attribute                    Flag     Value Worst Threshold Raw Value
(  1)Raw Read Error Rate     0x000f   056   053   006       210830875
(195)Hardware ECC Recovered  0x001a   056   052   000       210830875

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