
I have written a more elegant script. I have attached it (sorry) to this message and can be saved in the directory /etc/ppp/ip-up.d

It uses a key (and password) together with the command ntpdc to change the configuration of the ntp daemon.

If you enter the command "ntpdc -n -p", you get in the first column the ip-address of the peer, and in the second column the local address. I have found out that after an initial startup, the local address is filled with the address of your interface. If the address of the interface is changed (after a reconnect), ntp can't send the data from the old socket (with the old local address).

I have seen that peers added dynamicly by ntpdc have a local address of which is any-address. They keep on working after that the local address of the interface has changed.

My script skips local clocks (127.127.?.?) and dynamicly added peers ( Alle other peers are removed (unconfig) and added (addserver) again. At the end are some public available peers added, so that I always have at least 4 peers.

I hope it is usefull,
Vincent Smeets

Ricardo Yanez wrote:
my ISP disconnects me once a day, so that I won't keep a quasi-static IP
I don't pay for. Now, pppd reconnects swiftly, but ntp doesn't seem to
like this anyway. Soon after the dis-/reconnect I get this:

Feb  9 13:15:01 zwerg ntpd[4732]: sendto( Invalid argument
Feb  9 13:15:07 zwerg ntpd[4732]: sendto( Invalid argument
Feb  9 13:16:08 zwerg ntpd[4732]: sendto( Invalid argument
Feb  9 14:41:27 zwerg ntpd[4732]: synchronisation lost

As it will never recover, I resorted to restarting ntp every day. But
surely, there's a more elegant solution. Or is there?

An elegant (I think) way of solving this is to put scripts in /etc/ppp/ip-[up|down].d/ to stop and start ntpd when pppd reconnects.

My /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/ntp-server simply says,


[ -x /usr/sbin/ntpd ] || exit 0

echo "Stopping NTP server"
/etc/init.d/ntp-server stop

and my /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/ntp-server,


[ -x /usr/sbin/ntpd ] || exit 0

echo "Starting NTP server"
/etc/init.d/ntp-server start

Just make sure these scrips are executable (755).


passwd=`awk -v keyid="$keyid" '$1 == keyid { print $3 }' /etc/ntp.keys`

ntpdc -n -p | awk -v keyid="$keyid" -v passwd="$passwd" '
        print "keyid", keyid
        print "passwd", passwd
NR <= 2 ||
$1 ~ /^.127\.127\./ {
$2 == "" {
        server_count += 1
        peer = substr($1, 2)
$1 ~ /^[=*]/ {
        server_count += 1
        peer = substr($1, 2)
        print "Updating peer", peer > "/dev/stderr"
        print "unconfig", peer
        print "addserver", peer
        for (; server_count < 4; server_count++) {
                peer = "de.pool.ntp.org"
                print "Adding peer", peer > "/dev/stderr"
                print "addserver", peer
' | ntpdc

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