>       What else will the lsb cover? Or has there been a decision about that
> yet?

The only other stuff covered at the meeting was X11. The good work XFree
does is a big help there as their binary interfaces and the X specification
API's are both stable. Motif has been raised as a question, as has
OpenGL/MESA. ESR also raised the question of standardising things like
Python. The suggestion for that was that the python people ought to
define any such standard and then the lsb issue is purely one of namespace
ie "lsb-python-..." shall be Python meeting he following criteria, with
the following options etc. 

This is so that every app doesnt install their own version of python
"just in case". That could be extended to all interpreters and some 
libraries probably and a farmed out approach would IMHO be good.

As to testing and stuff, all I've been watching is HJ Lu's patches and
failure reports for the 2.1.12x kernel

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