Hi Nick,

I am in no way an Cluster expert, but am currently looking into the topic.
As we both now this topic is as wide as it is deep.

I am currently trying myself to get a good grasp on it. Perhaps the info I
have collected so far on my site might help you.


Best regards

Nils Valentin
Tokyo / Japan

> Hi,
> I work on a Web site at www.clusterbuilder.org.  The site highlights a
> broad spectrum of high performance computing related technologies.  It
> has links to reviews, comparisons, pricing and other information
> related to the many HPC solutions available. The site also allows for
> you to complete one request-for-quote form and have multiple hardware
> vendors of your choice provide pricing quotes to you.
> We need knowledgeable cluster users to submit sites that have proved a
> valuable resources to them.  One particular area that we want to make
> sure is complete is the Operating Systems section, which Debian is
> listed under.  We want to find information that helps HPC
> users using Yellow Dog Linux Please take a minute and submit
> additional links associated with Debian, operating systems or other
> areas that will benefit the HPC community. (To submit content for the
> site, click on the Submit Content section on www.clusterbuilder.org).
> Thank you for your help.
> Nick

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