On Sun, 2005-07-17 at 08:48 -0400, Gregory Seidman wrote:
> On Sat, Jul 16, 2005 at 08:41:35PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> } On Sat, 2005-07-16 at 20:15 -0400, kamaraju kusumanchi wrote:
> [...]
> } But then you'll be replying from a different address than the
> } email was sent to.
> } 
> } Most ISPs don't like that anymore, and SpamAssassin (and probably
> } Baysians also) score it as possible spam.
> I don't think you know what you're talking about. First of all, I don't
> know of a single spam filter (with the possible but unlikely exception of
> GMail) that is sufficiently stateful that it will notice that the message
> with the ID in the In-Reply-To field was originally sent to an email
> address other than the one in the From field. Second, if it could, it would
> break every single mailing list reply since the From field *never* matches
> the list email address to which the original was sent. And third, in actual
> practice, I have never had trouble sending messages which claim to be from
> a wide variety of email addresses often having nothing to do with the
> machine from which I was sending. (A series of reflectors and
> forwards would get messages sent to those addresses back to the machine in
> question, but that isn't something that a spam filter can test.)
> In short, I think you're speaking from a position of no knowledge on the
> subject whatsoever.

But I've seen twice, in *valid* emails I've received from mailing
lists, where people send emails from their own MTAs, but force 
the return address to be <blah>@yahoo.com and <blah>@hotmail.com.

Here's an example of how SA scores them:

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

Why do people think that Pamela Anderson & Paris Hilton are so
attractive? Those women are *weird* looking.

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