On Saturday July 16 2005 21:37, roach wrote:
> On Saturday 16 July 2005 14:50, Nicos Gollan wrote:
> <...>
> > Anyone else for blocking all mails to the list that have a "From" header
> > ending in "@aol.com"?
> AOL has become quiet good at fighting spam coming from their network, no
> need to punish them.

It's not about punishing AOL itself, it's about keeping the list clean. Have a 
good look at the "From" lines. Most of them are formed like:

Sometimes Real Name <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

while those AOL mails tend to just have the mail address, with the name part 
ending in numbers more often than not (this fulfills two SA spam criterions 
on one line). This means that filtering out those mails wouldn't touch the 
vast majority of mails on this list, and only kill messages which come from 
people that are too dumb or too lazy to enter their real name in their MUA.

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