On Monday 18 July 2005 15:15, 不坏阿峰 wrote:
 >  i am sorry that my english is poor/
 > in our company ,we have a software controling and Loging the Lan activity.
 > eg : we deny computer from factory mailing and using web ,and loging it.
 > the softeware is bebind the router ,is in the Lan. now we bought a new
 > router with double Wan by using ADSL,but we find some problem between
 > them. it is seem that they have confict.
 > so i find some details though Google, i got information about the means
 > which the software work. it can prevent computers from using internet by
 > ARP cheating. so i want to find a software to check whether is it work
 > with ARP cheating.
 > Linux is power in net,so i want to find a software can help me.

O.k. I think that helped.
I tried searching the web for ``ARP cheating'' and the first hit mentioned 
``ARP spoofing''. There's a usual excellent article on Wikipedia on that:


The Wikipedia article has a reference to Ettercap, which happens to be a 
network sniffer. I suspect Ettercap to be using ARP spoofing itself. This is 
however where my personal knowledge isn't enough.

I guess that you would be able to set up another sniffer in your network, and 
in this way conclude whether packets reach their intended destination, or if 
false ARP replies are being sent on the network.

This is about as close as I can take you. Perhaps others on the list could 
confirm whether Ettercap could do the job.

Regards, Anders Breindahl.

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