Stephen R Laniel wrote:

> A client is looking for a web-based calendaring and
> project-management package. Someone suggested Microsoft
> Project to her. I am ... opposed ... to that idea. I think
> we should be able to do better with open source.
> Here's what I would like:
> 1) Shared calendar
> 2) Possibly different permissions on different parts of the
>    calendar (some people can see some parts of the calendar,
>    others can see others)
> 3) Some nice timeline generator ("Subpart A of the project
>    runs from June 2 to July 13; subpart B runs from June 30
>    to August 1 ...").
> 4) Web-based billing: consultant signs in through a web form
>    and describes his meeting with a client, including the
>    times he met with the client, what they talked about,
>    whether the client needs followup, etc.
> That's a good start. Does any good free software for this
> purpose exist?

Have a look at phprojekt. It's LAMP and it's quite neat.
Homepage:  (;-/ yes it's no typo!)

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