Leonid Grinberg wrote:
The Debian version of Firefox is modified slightly. But that can't be
the reason for such a dramatic difference in speed (yes, I do agree
with you). As a matter of fact, I think the main reason is actually
hardware. Windows is a very bloated piece of software (if it can even
be called that), and therefore, most computers with it installed are
reasonably fast. Debian, on the other hand, (and most other
Unixes/Linuxes for that matter) can run on much slower machines. For
example, I have a friend that has 3 computers in his room, Windows ME,
Windows XP, and Debian. Windows XP is a state of the art computer
suitable for gaming, the Windows XP is usable if not fast, but the
Debian is slow. This is not because he does not like Debian (he does)
but because Debian can easily run on slow machines. Therefore, when
someone installs a pretty big piece of software (Firefox), it runs
pretty slowly.

I don't think that completely explains the problem. I have used Mozilla and Firefox on different dual-boot systems, with either Windows 2000 or Windows XP on the Windows-side and Debian, Gentoo or Ubuntu on the Linux-side, and I have always had the impression that everything worked smoother on the Windows side. I have no hard evidence for that though, it's purely subjective.

Also I recently started using Firefox downloaded from mozilla.org instead of the package in Ubuntu, and I have the impression that it is somewhat faster than Ubuntu-Firefox but still slower than Windows-Firefox.

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

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