Rajiv Vyas:
> I am looking for a simple straight forward CD Burner. Any suggestions?

If you are not afraid of command line interfaces, 'burn' is the rigth
tool for you. It's a Debian package with that name. If you prefer GUIs,
I recommend gnomebaker.

As a sidenote: as I was dissatisfied with the programs I found for that
job, I wrote my own one. You can get it a sourceforge:
<http://sourceforge.net/projects/birne>.  See
<http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=138400> for

It's not yet finished and there is no Debian package yet, but you can
just extract the tarball, cd to the resulting directory and run birne.py
from there. I'd really appreciate feedback, preferably to

I am on the payroll of a company to whom I owe my undying gratitude.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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