Thanks for all of the suggestions. I will try the different mehtods
and see what works best.

Scott Huey

On 8/1/05, Sven Arvidsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Redefined Horizons wrote:
> > I've got GNOME 2 running on Debian Sarge. I'd like to add some fonts
> > to GNOME. (Currently I've only got about 12 fonts.)
> >
> > What type of fonts are compatible? How do I add them to Gnome? I
> > googled on this subject but didn't find anything that helped. (I have
> > read the Font HOWTO, but it didn't seem to deal specifically with
> > GNOME.)
> Truetype fonts, the same ones used in Windows I belive. The easiest
> way is most likely to install fonts already packaged and in the Debian
> archives. Most of the Truetype font packages start with "ttf-" in the
> name.
> Other fonts you download or get from elsewhere you can add by simply
> copying them to the .fonts directory (a hidden directory in your home
> dir). (This means they are only visible to your user).
> --
> Cheers,
> Sven Arvidsson
> PGP Key ID 760BDD22
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