On 8/1/05, Bryan Donlan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/1/05, David R. Litwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've looked all over the place: KDE, I've googled it, the help files
> > in KDE. Nothing seems to tell me how I can change my language in KDE
> > to British (since they don't seem to have Canadian, not there there
> > really is a difference).
> >
> > Could some one please point out how to do this?
> >
> > And, if possible, for Debian (and, in fact, every thing) in general.?
> >
> > It would be Much Appreciated.
> >
> > None the less, I thank you Kindly in Advance.
> Try:
> (as root)
> dpkg-reconfigure locales
> # enable the en_GB options
> locale-gen
> (as user)
> echo 'export LANG=en_GB' >> ~/.profile
> chmod u+x ~/.profile
> (re-login)

Actually, en_CA is for canada - you can use that instead of en_GB.

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