On 8/3/05, Fernando Cacciola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bryan Donlan wrote:
> > On 8/3/05, Fernando Cacciola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Bryan Donlan wrote:
> >>> On 8/3/05, Fernando Cacciola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> Dave Ewart wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>> I have Sarge successfully installed in a machine, using just the
> >>>>>> netinst CD.
> >>>>>> Now I want it on another machine... I can of course use the
> >>>>>> netinst CD
> >>>>>> once again and wait for all the packages to download, but I was
> >>>>>> wondering if I can somehow create a set of ISO images using the
> >>>>>> machine
> >>>>>> were debian is already installed.
> >>>>
> >>>>> If you kept copies of the downloaded packages (in /var/cache/apt),
> >>>>> then
> >>>>> you should be able to use jigdo to build an ISO.
> >>>>
> >>>> Ok, I see about 864 items there, so I take that apt kept the
> >>>> downloaded
> >>>> packages.
> >>>> (They sum-up about 593Mb which fits 1 CD, and that's unexpected
> >>>> because the "official" distribution has lots of CDs)
> >>>
> >>> Most of the CDs have rarely used packages, so it's no surprise you
> >>> don't have most of them installed.
> >>>
> >>>> Anyway, how do I use jigdo to build an ISO? I've never used jidgo
> >>>> before so
> >>>> I've _scanned_ the jigsaw site, the faqs and the list archives but
> >>>> found
> >>>> nothing.
> >>>
> >>> Install jigdo-file, then run:
> >>> jigdo-lite
> >>> http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/3.1_r0a/i386/jigdo-cd/debian-31r0a-i386-binary-1.jigdo
> >>>
> >>> When it asks for a directory to scan, give it
> >>> /var/cache/apt/packages
> >>>
> >>> Note that this builds the whole first CD - I don't think jigdo is
> >>> available for the netinst images.
> >> OK
> >> Great!
> >> I suppose I shall repeat that with "binary-2" and so on for any CD
> >> that
> >> matches some of my local packages.
> >
> > If you do that, any packages you don't already have will be
> > downloaded as well.
> >
> Ha Ok... I don't want that...
> I suppose that there will be packages in the 1st machine that won't make it
> to the other.
> But of course those will be installed from the internet IFF not on the CD I
> guess, which is OK since I do have a good internet connection and I just
> want to avoid a lenghtly download.. but if most of the packages come form
> the CD and the rest from the net that's OK with me.+

If you have a LAN you could configure apt-proxy, and load into it any
packages you've already downloaded.

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