On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 11:04:55AM -0400, Kevin Coyner wrote:
> I've installed pbuilder on a sid box but keep getting hung up with
> the following error message whenever I try to execute:
>     pbuilder create
> I've tried this on 3 different sid boxes and still get the same
> thing each time.  Any thoughts would be appreicated.  
> Thanks, Kevin
Hi Kevin,
while someone on this list (Hi Roberto) may be able to help, this
subject would best be answered by the -mentor or -dev list. I am aware
of various transitions taking place (gcc,aspell,xorg,apt...). These may
affect this and lead to unexpected results. I think I was reading
planet.debian.net and recall folks talking about this.
counter.li.org #238656 -- goto counter.li.org and be counted!
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