On Sun, Aug 07, 2005 at 10:23:07PM IST, Philipp R�thl 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> incoherently babbled:

Hi Philipp,

> I am currently facing a strange problem on my debian box:
> After 2-6 hours the system is not reachable via ssh and has
> to be resetted.
> The last message I get in /var/log/syslog is...
> Aug  7 17:55:11 km1725 kernel: IPv6 addrconf: prefix with wrong length 128
> Aug  7 17:55:11 km1725 kernel: IPv6 addrconf: prefix with wrong length 48
> Aug  7 17:55:11 km1725 last message repeated 2 times
> (actally I get those messages >10 times)  
Are you using IPv6 at all? 

I wonder if you have an IPv6 router advertisement daemon (eg radvd on
Linux or rtadvd on BSD) running somewhere with a misconfigured prefix. 


Conall O'Brien


GPG Key: http://www.conall.net/gpg/

Hacking is like sex. You get in, you get out, and hope that you didn't
leave something that can be traced back to you.

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