On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 02:41:03PM -0700, Steve Witt wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Daniel McBrearty wrote:
> >Anyone using ddclient that knows how to configure it to run after reboot?
> >At the moment I start it manually. I looked atthe deb policy manual
> >about scripts to be added to /etc/init.d and the scripts that come
> >with ddclient don't seem to fit (ddclient doesn't accept the start,
> >stop and so on args).
> >If I just have some arbitrary commands to be executed at
> >startup/shutdown, where should I put them? is that the "good way"?
> ddclient isn't really a daemon so I don't think it is appropriate to run it 
> from /etc/init.d/...  What you really want to do is trigger ddclient to run 
> when the IP address that you are assigned via DHCP from your ISP changes. 
> This 
> could happen at reboot but also when the DHCP server's lease expires if you 
> don't reboot your machine a lot.
> I don't run ddclient, but do run something very similar, ipcheck, that does 
> basically the same thing. The machine I run this on is a server that is up 
> basically 24/7, it never is rebooted (unless something bad happens). What I 
> do 
> is run ipcheck from a cron job once an hour. It checks the IP address, 
> determines if it changes and updates DynDNS if necessary. I think ddclient 
> does 
> about the same thing.
> To run it at reboot, I would try to tie it in with the configuration of the 
> network interface. '/etc/network/interfaces' is where you have configured 
> your 
> network interface to run DHCP and you can run arbitrary scripts/programs when 
> the interface goes up or down. You should be able to run ddclient when the 
> interface come up. See the man page on interfaces for the details. There are 
> various 'up' commands that allow you to run commands before or after the 
> network interface is brought up.

ddclient can be set to run from cron, but if it runs as a daemon, why

$ ps ax |grep [d]dclient
20871 ?        S    243:48 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/sbin/ddclient -daemon
10m -syslog

Roberto C. Sanchez

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