Es Dilluns Agost 15 2005 06:37, en Roy Pluschke va escriure:
| On August 14, 2005 04:44, Joan Tur wrote:
| > Es Diumenge Agost 14 2005 01:23, en Roy Pluschke va escriure:
| > | problem:
| > | "gphoto2 -P" (download all pictures) works as root
| > | "gphoto2 -P" won't work as regular user -- gives following error
| >
| > The user has to belong to the right group... but I'm not sure if that
| > group is camera and/or plugdev.
| >
| > Hope that helps  ;)
| I have already included the user in the camera and plugdev groups but it
| makes no difference.  I did locate this comment on
Did you log out, then log in again after adding your user to that group?

| I've found that after some Linux upgrade, the
| USB library used by gphoto2 was having security
| problems and would only run as root. I never
| found out why, but the next upgrade made the
| problem go away. Any clues ?
No idea, it's working for me (debian testing)  8-?

Good luck  ;)

Joan Tur (aka Quini), Eivissa-Spain
       Yahoo & AIM: quini2k
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783

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