En/La [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha escrit, a 18/08/05 06:17:
> On 8/17/05, Jonathan Kaye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's it?  What about setting it up so that simply running "firefox"
> from anywhere executes the version installed in /opt/firefox?  Do you
> make a link in /usr/bin, overwriting the file there, or do you remove
> the Debian Firefox package first, or what?  Or do you make a custom
> launcher that directly runs the version in /opt (which would be less
> than ideal for a multiuser system)?
I don't follow you here. Why would it be "less than ideal"?

> I just installed the version from the Mozilla tarball, and it's
> running fine, loaded up my previous session of tabs and extensions
> just fine.  But I'm not sure of the best way to integrate it into the
> rest of the system.  There's /usr/bin/firefox, and
> /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/firefox-bin...  If I compiled it myself I
> could make a package with checkinstall that would override the Debian
> package, but be easily revertable...
> *sigh*  Why does it have to be so hard?  I hate Windows, but it's not
> even this hard on Windows.
No, I can't be asked to do all that. I like things simple. I created a
shortcut on my desktop and pointed it to /opt/firefox/firefox . My
personal settings are in my home folder and firefox can find them. I'm
not sure what you mean by "integrate it into your system". I use launchy
on TB to open an emailed link with FF (it defaults to epiphany). I
removed the debian firefox package early on because it tends to be out
of date. Ditto for Openoffice. As I (and now you I guess) have FF
installed it can be ripped out at any time with zero effect on your
system. You can go back to the official packages whenever you want.

<rant> *sigh*??? What's hard? You described how you did it from a
mozilla tarball and it works fine. I'm a total idiot and I find debian
much easier to install upgrade and in general work with than any other
system I've used since JCL and CPM. My girlfriend just got a spanking
new Acer Aspire laptop with (arrggghhh) XP installed. After one hour of
trying to get our network setup we ripped it out and installed Debian
Sarge via netinst, upgraded to Etch and everything is purring along like
a happy kitten. Total time: 3h30 most of which was waiting for the
packages to download. </rant>
Anyway, I'm happy you've got a working updated verion.

Please don't cc: your posting to my personal address.
Thank you.

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