On Sun, Aug 28, 2005 at 10:57:49AM -0400 or thereabouts, Jim Lynch wrote:
> I installed apache2, phpmyadmin, php4 and various other packages that came 
> along with the install but when I attempt to access phpmyadmin with
> http://localhost/phpmyadmin
> I get a popup box with the following message
> You have chosend to open
> which is a phtml file from http://localhost. What should firefox do with 
> this file?
> This is stable 3.1 installed quite recently. I'm running tomcat4 also, if 
> that makes a difference.

Hello Jim:

Sounds like PHP4 is not enabled in Apache. Try the following command and restart

    'apache-modconf apache enable mod_php4'

You may have to use 'apache2' rather than apache, don't know as I don't have
Apache 2 installed here.

Steve <http://sweetpig.dyndns.org:1000/>
Sunday Aug 28 2005 07:10:01 PM EDT
You prefer the company of the opposite sex, but are well liked by your own.

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