David Niemi wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > In the future when you install Debian it is highly recommended to
> > install using the linux 2.6 kernel instead of the 2.4 kernel.  Yes, I
> Wasn't obvious when I read through the install instructions :)

Yes.  Agreed.  Grumble, grumble.  In the future when a 2.8 becomes
stable we will be having the same conversation about the default being
the 2.6 kernel.  :-)

> > I want a linux 2.6 kernel.  I want discover, hotplug, udev installed.
> > (I need module-init-tools so that initrds are created properly.
> > Really only a problem when upgrading from old Sarge snapshots or woody.)
> > 
> >   aptitude install discover hotplug udev module-init-tools
> > 
> >   aptitude install kernel-image-2.6.8-11-em64t-p4
> > 
> > That should work.
> Thanks for the info Bob, I'll give your suggestions a try.  Just making
> the hdxx -> sdxx changes in grub didn't work.  When I installed the 2.6
> kernels (tried couple) with aptitude I thought that it would have taken
> care of the dependencies that you listed, I'll give your suggestions a
> try later today.

Those are not strictly speaking kernel dependencies.  They are not
needed to run a 2.6 kernel.  So they are not dependencies.  You can
definitely run a 2.6 kernel without them.

But without discover you don't get boot time discovery of your
hardware and would need to put all of the modules that you need to
load in /etc/modules manually.  That is just like in the old days of
Woody.  Without hotplug when you connect or disconnect things like USB
devices you would need to load and unload the modules that drive them.
That is also just like Woody.  Running hotplug and udev means that
devices that hotplug detects are needed can auto-magically appear.  So
that combination is just plain nice.

The reason I mentioned module-init-tools is that upgrading from Sarge
release candidate snapshots for me needed a newer version than what
was originally in those older candidate releases.  The initrd
generated would be missing modules for my filesystem for example.
Because my system was an upgrade from Potato to Woody to Sarge nothing
had pulled in that package.  So I needed to install it manually.  A
fresh installation of the released Sarge or later should not have that

One thing to remember about the initrd.img files is that they are
created at installation time by the package scripts.  Those files are
not statically part of the kernel package itself.  Which means that
the system must be happy enough to be able to create that file
correctly or you will have the problems you described.  At times in
the past when I have had a machine in an unhappy state and I just
needed to get it running so I could continue debugging I have copied
the initrd.img from another similar machine.  After getting the system
booted then I was able to debug the problem further and resolve the
original problem.


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