Dave Ewart:
> On Tuesday, 06.09.2005 at 05:48 -0400, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
> > Would be interesting to see users posting well commented muttrcs.
> Try here for starters: http://www.dotfiles.com/index.php3?app_id=27
> I personally found Sven Guckes examples very helpful when setting up
> Mutt, but the link appears to be 404 now ...

Sven has deliberately stopped to support mutt (and its users) because he
wants to enforce the development of an alternative mail reader. Anyway,
you can have a look at my mutt configuration. I set it up based on
Sven's files and I didn'ttouch most if his comments:

My memories gild my life with rare transcendance.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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