
I'm trying to setup an ntp server on a debian box.

Shortly after the ntpd daemon is up, it dies without leaving any obvious error messages.

Once I've started the daemon (/etc/init.d/ntp-server start), syslog has the following messages :

Sep 8 10:27:52 slice01 ntpd[583]: signal_no_reset: signal 13 had flags 4000000
Sep  8 10:27:52 slice01 ntpd[583]: precision = 1.000 usec
Sep 8 10:27:52 slice01 ntpd[583]: Listening on interface wildcard,
Sep  8 10:27:52 slice01 ntpd[583]: Listening on interface eth0,
Sep  8 10:27:52 slice01 ntpd[583]: kernel time sync status 0040

In the mean time, the daemon dies. I can ping the preferred ntp server (ntp.loria.fr) so I do not see why ntpd leaves me like this.

My /etc/ntp.conf file is :

driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
statsdir /var/log/ntpstats/
statistics loopstats peerstats clockstats
filegen loopstats file loopstats type day enable
filegen peerstats file peerstats type day enable
filegen clockstats file clockstats type day enable

server ntp.loria.fr prefer
fudge stratum 10

restrict default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery
restrict nomodify

broadcastdelay 0.008
disable auth

Any idea ?

Thnaks in advance for any help.


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