On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 09:25:43AM +0000, David Claughton wrote:
> On Debian you can install the 'speedtouch' package which should help
> configure things.  This also includes the 'modem_run' command which
> is needed for the 2.6.8 kernel supplied with sarge.
> (I installed the 2.6 kernel because I had no luck getting this to
> work with 2.4 - however YMMV).

Here is a Dutch page from my ISP on how to configure a Thomson for
Linux.  For those that do not understand Dutch the commands mentioned
should still be the same and the pictures could be helpful.


Or for other modems:


I used to have one of those Thomsons.  I think I just ran a command
like 'dhclient eth0' or maybe 'ifup eth0' and everything worked.  I
used kernel 2.4 under woody then; maybe the 2.4.18-bf version.

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
Public GnuPG key:  http://maurits.vanrees.org/var/gpgkey.asc
"It can seem like you're doing just fine,
but the creep's creeping into your mind." - Neal Morse

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