On 9/8/05, David Purton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've tried to get shadows working with xcompmgr and usually as soon as I
> try to move a window or roll it up, the system locks hard as well. CPU
> for X goes to 100%.
> I don't need to reboot, but I do have to shell in remotely and restart
> X.
> The problem is that I don't know where the problem lies: X.org or
> xcompmgr or nvidia drivers. I did manage to get things to be stable on a
> laptop with an S3 card, but without acceleration it's really too slow.

Hm.  Well, no probs with shadows here (yet, anyway).  I tried enabling
the "DAMAGE" and "RENDER" extensions in xorg.conf just in case, but
that didn't help, still locks up.  I'd be glad to help debug it if
someone would tell me how.

Is this even the right list?  Should I be asking on -devel?

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