Is there any way to get minicom to properly display the color graphics
of an ncurses app like iptraf?  I am using the multi GNOME terminal as my
X terminal, but xterm seems to have the same problems.

So far I've tried:
-setting the minicom terminal type to ANSI
-setting the remote shell TERM type to xterm (it starts up as VT100)
-turning the minicom color on using the "-c on" option

Another, possibly unrelated issue, is that iptraf and other programs
like top or man which output to the entire terminal screen, only use
a small portion of the available X terminal screen area (about 23
lines of text) regardless of how large I make the X terminal window.
Man even puts pages of text on different areas of the X terminal and
is nearly useless.  My current workaround is to use a tiny X terminal
window with these programs, but ncurses graphics is still a problem.

In contrast, programs like ls which produce individual lines of output,
seem to adjust and use available X terminal space properly.  I suspect
that a solution to either problem will solve both.  I am not averse to
RTFMing but am not sure which FM to read at this point.  Thanks for any

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