On Fri, Sep 16, 2005 at 11:12:30AM -0500, Jason Martens wrote:
> Hey all,
>   We are currently a Dell shop, but are getting frustrated with the 
> lack of debian support available for our Dell servers.  Specifically, 
> see these [1] [2] threads on the linux-poweredge list if you are interested.
> 1. http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-poweredge/2005-March/019671.html
> 2. http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-poweredge/2004-May/014689.html

I'm realy sorry. But the threads you included here don't state anything
impossible with either Debian or Dell including the OMSA compile issues
you stated as something that can't be resolved without any real hassle.

And, now I'm not aware of this problem.. but, if you look at the first
thread you pointed out as a reason to start looking for something els
because only RH is first class in this buissness.. it looks like, and no
offence.. you read the first 2 sentences, and skipped the third.
And I quote: "Neither Dell or Red Hat have taken up the torch to fix
this problem."

No offence, but this is a chase going nowhere. It just feels like you
want a piece of hardware build for a distrubution.. and change the current
way of "life". Now, I recall that there were companies that tried to do
that.. but never managed to compete with Dell, IBM, HP and so forth.

What I miss in this e-mail is a well explained an documented reason for
this change and public chase. What are you issues, can these be resolved
with a mass install solution (FAI).. but most of all: are the problem
realy hardware related.

> While much of the time, Dell hardware can be made to work on Debian, I 
> don't enjoy being a second class citizen to the RedHat, SuSE and Windows 
> users.

I don't agree with this line of thought.. but that's just me. It's
Debian that I run on an piece of hardware, and not the otherway around.
It's the support for Debian that can be up for discussion, but that's
beyond your line of attack according to your presentation of the facts.

> My question to the debian-user list is this:  Is there another 
> vendor out there that supports their servers with debian as a tier-one 
> platform?  I am looking for anything that can shed light on the 
> situation like mailing lists for other companies similar to the 
> linux-poweredge list, personal experience, comparisons involving debian, 
> etc. 

Well.. why don't you start?
Explain to us what goes wrong on what level, and what you think you need
to do to get it all working, and we just might even give you a helping
hand on getting your problems out of your "system" (if you will).

> I have some freedom to choose here, and I want to reward the vendor that 
> is the most open and supportive of debian.  Finding that vendor is the 
> problem right now.

Reward Debian for creating an OS that you love to work with, not only
your vendor that compliments your procedings as a commercial or
non-profit organisation.

> Thanks,
> Jason Martens

Again.. please share your thoughts and not only your complaints.

Thank you,

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