Mike M wrote:
I've installed some minimal stable configurations lately (answered no to tasksel and dselect during installation of bf24). When I run "man" on the minimal system, it's like the output is piped to "more". In a workstation installation machine, running man results in a environment similar to running "vi -R". The same version of man is being run on both systems.

I skimmed this (http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/mini/Man-Page/index.html) and found no explanation for the different behaviour.

I could use some help in understanding how the different man behaviors exist.


From man man:

PAGER If $PAGER is set, its value is used as the name of the program used to display the manual page. By default, exec /usr/bin/pager -s is used.

/usr/bin/pager can be changed using /usr/bin/update-alternatives

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