On Friday 23 September 2005 06:44 am, root wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-09-23 at 14:09 +0100, Antony Gelberg wrote:
> > Albert wrote:
> > > I am a new user of Debian.  My first task after system install is to
> > > install Firefox and Tbird, preferably the latest 1.0.6 or 1.0.7.  It's
> > > a piece of cake to download and install these from the mozilla site,
> > > but I have no idea how I might then wrap them with an icon and to get
> > > them to show in the menus.  Do debian users not do this sort of thing? 
> > > If so, could someone point me to the appropriate documentation?
> >
> > Please read the Debian Reference.  One of the main reasons to use Debian
> > is to use software packaged from Debian repositories rather than
> > downloading generic binaries and source.
> It seems that "one of the main reasons to use Debian" might also be one
>  of the main reasons not to use Debian.

No, you're just expected to have done your homework before asking a public 
mailing list for help, and some people get rather cranky about this:  We're 
volunteers, not consultants.  The difference being a consultant will do all 
the work for you, whereas volunteers will get grouchy if you don't help them 
help you as much as possible in advance.  For best results with mailing 
lists, be sure to use an oversize ball, and put it on a tee instead of 
pitching it.  Here's how:

(or lucky google keyword: smart questions)

Also, don't log in as root.  Your best defense against malware, viruses, bad 
bugs and good old-fashioned user-error is to not use root unless you 
absolutely, positively need it.  And then you still don't log in as root, you 
use su or sudo instead to get root permissions from your existing login.  
Windows making users administrator (root) by default and user software 
demanding root permissions without good reason is among the biggest 
easily-fixed parts of why malware can do so much damage that it can take a 
reinstall to fix instead of just deleting your login and recreating it.

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