On Tue, May 27, 2003 at 09:42:57PM -0500, Jesse Meyer wrote:
> On Tue, 27 May 2003, Pigeon wrote:
> > Me, I run with the sides off the case and if I want an estimate of the
> > CPU temp I stick my hand in and feel the heatsink.
> I find that if I keep the side off of my case, I get higher CPU temps 
> (lower MB temps).  Air flow past the processor is improved by having 
> the case closed, probably because the rear fan pulls more air 
> past the processor.


WRT fans, I tend to "apply them topically" to bits like disk drives
which tend to run hot. This generally means that each fan is way
oversized for the job it's doing, so I can either stick a resistor of
around 150 ohms (depending on the fan) in series with it, or run it
off 5V instead of 12V. The fan then runs sufficiently slowly to be
almost inaudible, but still supplies enough air to cool the particular
item it's cooling.


Be kind to pigeons
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