Hello Peter,

On Sat, 8 Oct 2005 05:16:35 -0400
"Peter Coppens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Debian (network) fans,
> I am strugging with a basic routing problem
> I have two machines and a router which is connected to the internet.
> A <--> B <--> R <-> Internet
> - A is connected to B through eth0, static IP
> - B is connected to A through eth0, static IP
> - B is connected to R through wlan0, dynamic IP
> - ip forwarding on B is enabled....I think, no ipchain enabled or
> installed.
> I have added routes added so that
> - A can ping B on and
> - B can ping A, R and the Internet
> I can not get A to ping R nor the Internet

I assume you missed to add a route on R for the net of A pointing
to B.
> Anybody any suggestions what is going on, or any ideas which route or
> modules are missing on which machine?


Jörg Schütter                      http://www.schuetter.org/joerg
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                http://www.lug-untermain.de/

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