Jeremy Merritt wrote:
I have recently been having an error with several
audio players, including amarok and xmms. Amarok
produces the following error message:

Did you recently convert to udev?  (See below)

[GStreamer error] Could not open device '/dev/dsp' for
writing. ** gstosselementc(752):
gst_osselement_open_audio /root/bin system error:
Resource temporarily unavailable

xmms produces a similar error message about 'cannot
write  to /dev/dsp'.

What is your xmms setting for options->preferences->output plugins?
I suspect it's set to OSS.  This probably means either you don't
have OSS (or ALSA OSS emulation) or you don't have a /dev/dsp softlink
to your dsp device.  Either create the link, or if using udev,
add a line similar to

   KERNEL="dsp2" SYMLINK="dsp"

to your udev.rules file, replacing "dsp2" with your dsp device.
It's likely that your issue with amarok is similar.

Even if this solves your problem, consider switching to ALSA (if
amarok supports it -- I'm sure that xmms does) because I think that
OSS is going to be deprecated eventually.

 However, Noatun has _NO_ problem
playing any audio files.

This could mean it uses ALSA.

Any suggestions?


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