On Wed, May 28, 2003 at 10:43:25PM -0400, Vikki Roemer wrote:
> Pigeon wrote:
> >You can use pwck to verify the integrity of your password files. If
> >they're OK it appears that login depends on libpam-modules, libpam0g
> >and libc6, giving you four things to check / reinstall... 
> They're ok.  'su' doesn't work, either, FWIW.  So the problem is prolly 
> either pam or (*shudder*) libc6.
> Can I download all the base packages onto floppies and just re-install 
> everything from there and be done with it?  I have ~50 or so floppies 
> hanging around, so no problem there. *shrug*

As long as dpkg is working ok... I believe there is a
statically-linked version of dpkg somewhere (stuff for potato->woody
upgrade?) which ought to be safe even if libc6 is damaged.

> >Might be a good idea, for safety, to boot off an install disk /
> >Knoppix or something, unpack the libc6 .deb by hand, and diff it
> >against the possibly-damaged files on your HD... corruption in some
> >rarely-used function could wreak havoc!
> 'K, tomsrtbt has 'undeb', so I can work there.

... and if it does turn out to be damaged you can simply copy the
intact copy over the top of the damaged one - ditto for the other
files in the libc6 .deb - then (assuming you've mounted your usual
root fs on /mnt) "chroot /mnt /sbin/ldconfig" - should all be fixed.


Be kind to pigeons
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