On 2005-10-15 @ 10:48:55 (week 41) Luk Claes wrote:

> > ich habe linux möchte aber wie mit Delphi
> > Programmieren welche Programmier sprache ist genau so
> > wie Delphi und kann sie bei Linux benutzen währe nett
> > wenn ich eine antwort bekommen würde und wo bekomme
> > ich das programm her und es sollte kostelos sein danke

First off: Luk sorry to use your message to follow up, but I had already
deleted the previous ones in this thread.

To the OP:

You have two alternatives to choose from if you want a GUI with the
Object Pascal compiler. Lazarus is a Delphi-like environment on top of
Free Pascal that you can use with your favorite OS (see
http://www.lazarus.freepascal.org/). Also, some year ago Borland has
ported Delphi to GNU/Linux under the name Kylix. The offered a free
download for personal and educational use on their site, but as I
haven't coded in Kylix for some years now I am not sure they still do.
Google (or simple searching www.borland.com) will probably help you with



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