On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 09:40:28AM +0800, phyrster wrote:
> I never used spamassassin. For a one user system, how much can one benefit
> form using it? Does it work well with procmail?

My laptop is basically a one-user system, and still I use
spamassassin. Indeed, I'm pretty sure that it's too much of
a processor hog to be good for many-user systems. When you
get up to that many users, I believe something like a
Barracuda appliance starts to kick in:

Procmail and spamassassin work fine together. You basically
just tell Postfix (or whatever your MTA is) to filter all
incoming messages through procmail. Then you include a
recipe in procmail that looks like so:

| spamc

which filters the message through spamassassin and picks up
the output on the other end. Then you add in another rule
that says something like

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

I.e., "If spamassassin labeled it spam, send it off to my
spam folder."

There are more complicated routes, but that's basically the

Stephen R. Laniel
+(617) 308-5571
PGP key: http://laniels.org/slaniel.key

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