
This is an old thread (August 20 2004!), but I thought It could be useful to 
share the solution I've found for the "freezing" problem upon insterting, in 
my case, a Netgear MA401RA pcmcia card in a Sony Vaio PCG-K13 with Debian Sid 
& standard kernel 2.6.12.

The solution that works in my case is quite simple (but it took me a while to 
find it!):  I just had to comment out (remove the #) the line "exlude IRQ3" 
at the end the /etc/pcmcia/config.opts file, and then reboot.

It seems that there is an IRQ conflict if the MA401RA is set to use IRQ3.

Hope it will help someone


> I have a problem that has been troubling me for some time. Whenever I
> plugin my 802.11b PCMCIA netword card my laptop freezes completely and I
> have to cut the power. The same thing happens it the PCMCIA card is in
> the computer when it boots.
> Computer:
>   Hi-Grade notino 5400
>   Netgear MA401 network card
>   Latest debian testing
>   Standard Debian kernel image 2.6.7

> In the pcmcia-howto they suggest that there might be a problem with the
> ports and memory in /etc/pcmcia/config.opts. I've tried to read the
> memory sections from the device driver information under windows and
> inserting them in config.opts, But I keep getting the same results.

> Claus

Marco Laverdière

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