On Friday 30 May 2003 20:16, Mark Roach wrote:
> then run "file filename" for detailed info. for simpler things, try 'ls
> --color' this will hilight normal files/directories/executables
> differently to keep from having to type this every time, you can do
> alias ls='ls --color'
> you can also edit your .bashrc file to make this automatic every time
> you login.

You may need to edit your .bash_profile to execute the .bashrc if your are 
running from a login shell.  Logout and log back in to see the changes occur.

>From .bash_profile:

# include .bashrc if it exists

if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
    source ~/.bashrc

To edit .bash_profile, do the following:

$ ls -a
// shows hidden files
$ vi .bash_profile
// move cursor down to "if" statement shown above
// use 'x' key to delete the the '#' character on that line
// do the same action on the next 3 lines
// enter the following to save your work:
$ vi .bashrc
// remove the '#' from the following lines:
    # enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases

    eval `dircolors`                         <---this line
    alias ls='ls --color=auto '          <---and this line
    #alias ll='ls -l'
    #alias la='ls -A'
    #alias l='ls -CF'
    #alias dir='ls --color=auto --format=vertical'
    #alias vdir='ls --color=auto --format=long'
// save your work with
// logout - login - enter the following commands:
$ ls /usr/bin
$ ls /var/log
// see the colors?
Mike M.

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