Tony Godshall wrote:

According to kamaraju kusumanchi,
Vincent Smeets wrote:


is there some tool to synchronize files or directories between a hard disk and a USB stick? I have some files on the hard disk of my home computer. I have a copy of them on a USB stick so that I can use the files at other places (at work) too. I need to keep those two copies in sync, sometimes the USB file are changed, sometimes the HD files.

On Windows I used a "Workmap" directory on the USB stick. It showed a button in the explorer to synchronize the files and Windows checked which one was the newest version. Now I have left Windows and switched over to Debian, but I still have the files on the stick and HD that need to be synchronized. Is there some tool in Debian for that?

Vincent Smeets

rsync -avzp source-address destination-address
will make sure that the files in source are also there on destination. It is not exactly what you want but it does half the job.

-u will make sure that newer overwrites older, not vice
versa (warning- make sure clocks are right!- I don't do this
till I'm sure ntpd is running on the machines).

and by source-address and destination-address you of course
mean path-to-file-or-directory in this context (though of
course one of the other can also be prefixed [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
which implies ssh transport).

rsync won't sync deletions though- unison's probably better
if you want that.

rsync does sync deletions.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ rsync --help|grep delete
--del an alias for --delete-during
--delete delete files that don't exist on the sending side
--delete-before receiver deletes before transfer (default)
--delete-during receiver deletes during transfer, not before
--delete-after receiver deletes after transfer, not before
--delete-excluded also delete excluded files on the receiving side
--ignore-errors delete even if there are I/O errors
--max-delete=NUM don't delete more than NUM files

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