Em Sex, 2005-11-04 às 11:24 -0800, Andy Streich escreveu:
> On Friday 04 November 2005 09:11 am, Mike McCarty wrote:
> > On the whole, I'm happy with Linux. But in a side-by-side comparison,
> > IMO Solaris is superior.
> >
> > No flames, please.
> You are wise to include the "no flames" request.  As always this is as more 
> of 
> an emotional issue for many people than an intellectual or economic one.  
> In asking what's best or what's superior you have to state for what intended 
> purpose.  I think it would be hard to make a case for Solaris being the best 
> OS to run on your workstation at home or your typical webhost when Debian 
> GNU/Linux is available.  But if your company is doing high volume stock and 
> banking transactions, Solaris may very well be the best.  In both cases it's 
> not just about the technical quality of the OS -- although that's critically 
> important --  it's also about the available community support.  In the former 
> case the community is the essentially the people on this mailing list.  In 
> the latter, I'd much prefer to look to -- and pay for -- the community of 
> engineers at Sun.  (One way in which Sun distinguishes itself is that it is 
> still a company where engineers dominate, as opposed to Microsoft, as someone 
> else mentioned, which is purely marketing driven.  Sadly the results can be 
> seen in their stock prices.)
> I doubt many people on this list have much experience working in high-volume, 
> financial transaction environments where minutes of downtime correspond to 
> millions of dollars lost.  It's not reasonable IMO to expect OSS to serve 
> that market -- yet.  
> As Mike wrote: No flames, please.  But I'd be very interested in what others 
> thing about this.

I worked a lot (2years/ 3 servers: Mail/Web/Firewall) with Sun stations
using Solaris. 
Here in Brasil the Service offered by SUN is abysmal: 
No 24/24 help desk, they work from 9h to 17h Monday to Friday.
Any question, really any question is only answered after they contact 
some central  organisation: delay:24-48h. In the case of hardware
failure we would have had to wait 3 (three) monthes before getting a new
NIC (failure on the firewall SUN/Solaris+Checkpoint). 
At that point we switched to a self build PIV/Asus/3Com station running
Mean delay for a community answer:~6h, and 24/24 7/7.
Downtime in case of hardware failure: 1h, the time to go to a shop and
by a new part. (And 3 monthes to get the money back from the University,
but that's another problem).

There's no doubts here: Open Systems are much superior to proprietary
ones when you are far away from the owner.


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