On Friday 04 November 2005 05:46 am, marc wrote:
> After applying the testing update to KDE 3.4, a large number of my
> settings have been trounced. Most I've been able to recover, but I
> cannot find the icon zooming feature when hovering over icons in the
> taskbar (panel/kicker). Instead it has been ousted by a truly horrible
> enormous "tooltip" that tautologically replicates the original icon.
> Ugh!
> Please let me know if you have any idea where its been hidden. Thanks.

Icon zooming has been removed from KDE. A quote from the blog of Aaron Seigo, 
the current kicker coder: "now, i'd really like to simply `rm -rf` the 
transparency support in kicker 3.5 and tell people to deal with it until 
there is proper support in X and Qt for these things. really, i would. but my 
survival instincts tell me that i'd prefer to live a few more years rather 
than be lynched by the hordes of users who just can't live without such 
important things as a kicker that paints the same background as the desktop. 
this from the guy who removed icon zooming."

So now we get the huge tooltip. *shrug*

Hope that explains it.

Ryan Schultz
"vi users are mammals, and they flip out and kill people *all the time.*"

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