Em Ter, 2005-11-08 às 11:49 +0000, Yuriy Kuznetsov escreveu:
> There's lots of improvements in Solaris that make it faster than
> linux (eg. we completely *smoke* linux in terms of TCP/IP performance)
> but also a few places where linux appears much faster, esp. filesystem
> operations. Usually that's because linux has fairly intensive disk
> caching turned on by default (so despite the fact that commands that
> write to disk finish much quicker, often the data isn't actually written
> to disk ! So if you have a power outage just after one of these commands
> has finished, on Solaris your disk will be in a consistent state (and
> the , whereas on linux you're screwed...)
> - it's not always about performance, reliability also comes into it.
> As regards "most advanced os on the planet", that may sound subjective,
> but I'd say that SUN's implementations of DTrace, Zones, TCP/IP stack,
> Service Management Facility, Fault Management Architecture and probably
> other stuff I'm missing out make Solaris a better OS that anything else
> out there at the moment.

As many posts showed, Solaris is NOT the most "advanced" OS.
All pro-Solaris posts insist on reliability (granted), and superior
support (valid only in a very few countries).
"Advanced" has a meaning of bleeding-edge which Solaris definitively is

In fact I suspect that the recent commitment of Sun to OpenSource is
recognition of the superiority of the OpenSource Model in matters of 
fast, research grade, development of an OS.
In house refinement for reliability by Sun could then give them the best
of both worlds.



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