On 11/18/05, Steve Lamb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Alex Malinovich wrote:
> I'm really not sure what you mean here. Perhaps an example of a law that
> is meant to be friendly to the community but is unfriendly to an
> individiual would be in order?

    I think the recent Supreme Court ruling on the 5th Ammendment [sic] is a prime

This thread is just way out of hand[1], but if you're speaking of the US Supreme Court's decision in _Kelo v. New London_, you've apparently bought the MSM's spin on it.  All the Court did in that case was reaffirm at least 50 (and arguably 200) years' worth of constitutional law:  decisions about land use should be made _locally_ and not be second-guessed by the 9 probably-out-of-touch folks who happen to sit on the US Supreme Court.  Whether what happened in New London was bad _policy_ (something I'll not argue) it violated no constitutional _principle_.  I thought libertarians - and I had the impression you, Mr. Lamb, consider yourself one - preferred local to national decision making.  But maybe it depends on the decision.  That the local decision was good for the community as a whole but bad for some individuals is arguable; that the Supreme Court should have second-guessed it is not.


[1]Yes, I'm a Debian user and yes, this is the debian-user list, but doesn't that imply something about SUBJECT-MATTER??

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