I apologize, if I disturb anybody by repeating message.

I just found out that my problem might have something to do with udev, because I found the real device /dev/.static/dev/hdc. However, I can't understand why udev doesn't recognise my DVD/RW drive so that it would create the device, /dev/hdc, for me.

I would appreciate any hints and help!

From: "S guo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: RE: /dev/hdc lost
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2005 11:15:04 +0100

Sorry, I forgot to mention, I'm using Debian sarge.
Could anyone help me?

From: "S guo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: /dev/hdc lost
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 12:00:22 +0100

Hello, all,

I couldn't mount my DVD-drive today and found its device, /dev/hdc, simply disappeared. The computer has been running for a while and hadn't such problem before.

The computer has two SCSI harddisk, one holds SuSe OS, the other one holds Debian.
It has also one SCSI CD-ROM and one IDE DVD-rewriter.

From the file /var/log/messages, I could see that the DVE-rewriter was
recognised and assigned as hdc.

I can mount my DVD after I manually created a node for it using "mknod". However, the node I manually created disappears again after the reboot.

Has anyone idea to solve this problem permantly?

Thanks in advance!


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