On Wed, 23 Nov 2005, Kent West wrote:

> jack wrote:
> >I'm running testing (etch) on x86. About a week ago, possibly
> >Wednesday 16/11 (sorry, I can't be more precise), after updating my
> >packages, I've started having problems with "flickering" in X. The
> >trouble is, I can't pinpoint the problem down. I'd be happy to file a bug
> >report, if only I could understand what's wrong.
> >
> >
> Just as a test, I'd change my resolution or color depth; see if that has
> any affect.

I tried changing resolution, the problem is still there. Haven't tried
color depth (can't atm), but I'm skeptical. After all:

1) everything used to work fine a week ago
2) the fact that kde desktop is not affected makes me think it's not a
problem with X

Anyway, I'll try changing the color depth as soon as I have physical
access to the box, and see what happens.


Riccardo `Jack' Lucchetti
Dipartimento di Economia
Università Politecnica delle Marche


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