Björn Lindström wrote:
Marc Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Secondly, if you do lock out root, how whould you administer the
system? Would sudo still allow you root access? I don't know and I
would not want to try it on MY system.

If you don't know, why are you answering? ;-)

It works fine.

passwd -l simply sets the password to a value matching no
passwords. sudo works by running SUID root, and so does not depend on a
root password in any way.

Since the person who originally suggested this said that he did not KNOW if this would work, I was just saying that I would not want to experiment with it in my system without better knowledge of what, exactly, would happen. It has already been posted that this will lock out root from a login, but that sudo will still be able to access the root account.

It sounds like it is what the OP was looking for.

Marc Shapiro

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