On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 11:58 -0500, Kenneth Jacker wrote:
>   >> However, what I'd like to do somehow is make my RFC1819 addresses
>   >> remain the same at home
>   hs> The big question is: why do you actually care for the address?
>   hs> There are only rare cases where this is actually needed for a client.
> Two needs come to mind:
>   o ssh-ing to one of the machines ... how do I know its address?
>   o printing to one of the machines running CUPS ... again, I must
>     specify the addr of the print server machine
> If you can suggest a way to do these things, I'll be glad to use your
> approach rather than having "fixed" addresses ...
> Thanks for your comments!  

Actually, in both of these cases I would suggest just running a local
DNS server and enabling dynamic DNS updates.

I actually use a combination of dynamic DNS and static DHCP leases at
home. I have static DHCP pointing to DNS entries. So I can change my
DHCP lease address by changing just the DNS entry.

The only thing that DNS names don't work for sometimes is iptables, so
if you're doing a lot of machine specific filtering and forwarding in
iptables, it's still useful to have static leases defined.

Alex Malinovich
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